The articles of this blog are solely base on personal / experience views of the blogger. Readers are advised not to consider the contents of this blog were written as legal documents or contracting policy. The presentations on this blog on various items are for informational purposes.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Our tiffin's collection. Our collection started with tiffin carriers. We have around 70 different types of tiffins. It ranges from iron tiffin 1920's, Nyonya's 1930's, Japanese occupation 1940's, Brass tiffin 1950's and to the rare types and we are still buying until now!!!

1 comment:

  1. biru nyaman tidak berbelang
    cantik dihias bukan kepalang
    bertingkat tiga susunan cemerlang
    buat teman insan terbilang

    comel cantik hiasan seri
    indah coraknya tidak terperi
    insan menyimpan terus diberi
    pengisi makanan tradisi sendiri

    berwarna warna penghias diri
    merah,biru,hijau dan jingga
    setia menemamani empunya diri
    rasa puas penuh bangga
