Hello Mr Prakash,
I stumbled upon your Tamil.Treasure.blogspot and was suprised on the work you have done there. Its amazing to know that you have taken so much trouble to put together all this information and this old items used by our people in the past. I don't
think that there is a another blog like this anywhere. Really appreciate what you are doing.
Keep up the good work.
Peter John Chelliah.
Publisher of "The Malaysian Indian Journey"

The Tamil Treasure blog was established on July 2011 to showcase information of the items collected to everyone and build bridges of understanding and friendship with our multicultural society. Through informative materials, special events and cultural sharing that this blog has received multiple positive feedbacks on its representation of contemporary Indian culture as well as preservation of the old and treasured. All the items showcased in this blog are for our own references.
The articles of this blog are solely base on personal / experience views of the blogger. Readers are advised not to consider the contents of this blog were written as legal documents or contracting policy. The presentations on this blog on various items are for informational purposes.
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